ULG's Language Services Blog

Language Access is More Important than Ever

An optimized, proactive language access plan (LAP) provides a competitive advantage in today’s multicultural environment by helping you reach people where they are. The U.S. population is growing more diverse each year. In 2019, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that close to 68 million Americans spoke a language other than English at home, a 52.3 percent increase from the same measure during the 2000 census.

In the current market, organizations of all sizes are focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) initiatives. An emphasis on DEIB can build strong connections with diverse audiences while improving their experiences. A commitment to language access and cultural engagement increases your organization’s ability to deliver more equitable outcomes.

Beginning with an inclusive communication strategy as a focus enables your organization to engage effectively, use resources wisely, and provide the best possible experience for everyone you serve. Language access and cultural engagement are essential parts of creating inclusive communications.

Language Access Creates Growth Opportunities

Language access planning can help your organization reach its full potential by managing compliance efficiently, growing your brand and improving customer experience. A language access plan (LAP) is a guide to help your organization communicate clearly with diverse audiences. This can include those with limited English proficiency (LEP) or people with visual or hearing impairments.

A well-crafted language access plan provides tangible benefits - read on to discover how to make your LAP a valuable asset for your organization and consumers.

Compliance: Language access is a legal requirement in many industries in the modern global market, including government, education, healthcare, and legal services. Having a LAP in place means that everyone’s responsibilities are clearly defined before any requests are made, resulting in greater efficiency and improved compliance. Meaningful access is now a compliance requirement in many circumstances. Even if an organization has the basics covered, it may need to alter its strategies to meet these new standards.

Brand Growth: Supercharge your brand growth strategy with a robust language access plan. Culturally relevant communications can help your business reach more consumers and expand into new markets. The opportunities are significant throughout the U.S., where 140 million multicultural consumers currently represent 42% of the population. Research demonstrates that these consumers connect strongly with brands that meet them where they are linguistically and culturally. In a 2020 survey, 76% preferred purchasing products with packaging information in their native language.

Customer Satisfaction: Language access improves customer satisfaction and builds loyalty. The International Customer Management Institute (ICMI) found that 59% of consumers rated their interaction more highly when customer care was in their native language. This increased customer satisfaction translates into brand loyalty.

Accelerate Your Language Access Planning With Our Complimentary Roadmap

Many organizations struggle with developing an LAP that uses resources efficiently while encouraging audience engagement and connection. Whether you’re building your LAP from scratch or updating an existing framework to include the latest recommendations and tools, we’ve developed a complimentary guide to help your organization drive desired communication outcomes.

Our team has demonstrated that language access produces results by solving problems, providing connection, and building community. We recently helped a large insurer increase consumer engagement by 83% by partnering on the creation of a culturally tailored community outreach program. We’ve also supported a major manufacturer to reduce translation costs per word by 40% with improved processes and efficiencies.

We designed our Language Access Acceleration Roadmap to support your organization as you optimize your LAP. Discover a comprehensive language access checklist with detailed recommendations to help your team:

  • Gauge where you are currently with your language access plan.
  • Determine where you want to be with your LAP and set goals.
  • Generate ideas on what to improve or how to get started.
  • Measure results to ensure your communications are connecting with diverse communities.
  • Overcome common challenges at each stage of the process.

Our experts are here to help. We have more than 35 years of experience, strong connections with local linguists around the world, and access to the latest translation, interpretation and assistive technology. Download our new Language Access Acceleration Roadmap today or connect with us to learn how we can support your team.

Download the Language Access Roadmap


Topics: Industry