ULG's Language Services Blog

The Risks of Making a Mistake in Financial Translation

For financial institutions looking to expand their markets through multilingual translation, the stakes are high. As your brand breaks international boundaries, you’ll need to strategize how to best c...

How Do Financial Companies Use Language Solutions?

Numbers are numbers, right? A zero is a zero in English the same way it is in Arabic or Mandarin. But what about everything surrounding the numbers in a financial document? What about financial contex...

The Crucial Role Multilingual Support Plays In Cross-border M&A Deals

For organizations undergoing an international merger & acquisition or considering one in the future, it is imperative that all parties involved understand the terms and conditions of the deal and ...

How to Make Your Multinational Business Ready for Brexit

Although the United Kingdom voted itself out of the European Union in June of 2016, it’s still unclear what the effects of Brexit will be in Britain, the EU as well as the rest of the world. And that ...